Mental Health issues are a real bitch…
In every way shape or form. It’s torture that sometimes feels like an never ending battle. Which in reality, it really is.
Those of us models with mental health struggles to deal with, I feel, have it a bit different; not harder but the difficulties are definitely different.
The work that we do isn’t like everyone else who can flip that switch into work mode and go out and make that money no matter how shitty they feel, I am NOT saying both sides are not difficult, but we don’t necessarily have that switch.
You can’t automatically flip it and feel like taking sexy, beautiful pics. Or making adult content especially if you’re also a creator.
Does anyone who struggles daily and find it nearly impossible to create when the depression and anxiety and such hit you full force and you just want to crawl in a hole some days have any advice to stay positive and get motivated. Not feel so much like going pink is such an impossible task?