Trying to find people who want to go see Gwar on the 21st. HOWEVER, half the people I talk to have never heard of them.

There is something incredibly disturbing about this picture frown
oh yay at least you are safely addicted,
Is anyone here on last.fm?

I've had an account for like two years but have recently got re-addicted.

That's all.
oh that's sweet, thank you blush biggrin
yeah and i know how you feel, my brain hurts too, again... whatever
You must stay addicted!
So, trying to plan a little something for my best friends birthday in a few weeks. Right now I'm thinking a little picnic at the park, followed up with a Kaki King concert that I got tickets to. Sounds like alot at the moment, especially considering the drive it takes to go see her, but whatever. I figure, it's the last birthday I'll probably ever...
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what the ides for your tattoo? the strawberry is the only one i drew.
It rained today finally.

I think one of my favorite things in the world is waking up the sound and smell of rain outside and knowing that I don't have any obligations to fulfill on that day. There's just something about being in a nice, warm bed while hearing and smelling wet earth that is so incredibly peaceful.

In other news, my roommate who had...
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thanks :] I love when it rains,no I love when it storms its the best!
wow. thank you! it means a lot of things to me. i drew it my self...and its not finnished...the shreds from the strawbreey turn into butterflies so im gonna add more butterflies later, and i drew the strawberry to look more like a heart...so it symbolizes my heart. and the bullet going through it has a heart on it so its like when i got cancer...it totally broke my heart...and i wouldnt have gotten cancer if i hadnt been in love with this dumb ass guy...so its like love that broke my heart...so when the strawberry turns to butterflies it means that im making the best out of a bad situation. does that make sense?
Finals week is starting up, sucks.

BUT, school's almost over! I can't believe this semester went by so fast. Almost graduation time....which is scaring the shit out of me.
lol that was probably the smart thing to do haha, i took my mom to the mall and stuff it was alright, but i also live in a small town but i was suprised it wasn't crowded.
but how are you doing today? :]
awwww :] thank you.
i think it's because i haven't found a professional photographer yet :[

So why is it getting colder again? frown
it's been alright i guess, it's has its ups and downs haha. how about yourself?

i have a question, my set was offered for member review, but i'm wanting to delete it cause i don't really like it, is it impossible to delete it while it's in member review?
School's been sucking, with night classes almost every night and almost no time in between. Blah.

Watched Super Troopers like three times together. Awesome.

Been writing more music, still trying to figure out how to record by using my effects pedal.

That's all for now, MY LIFE IS BORING AS OF LATE.
i've been alright i guess, i did a photoset of myself today because i got a new camera the other day and now my photo wizard won't load and i'm so mad. is it because i already have a set in hopefuls or do you know anything about that? lol
I am back and ready to rule the world.


I'm slowly getting back into life in San Diego/Los Angeles. It's pretty crazy how much stuff I used to take for granted four months ago. More later, I move back into my place tomorrow and have yet to start packing frown
So I've been in a Tool mood recently. Pretty much all I've been listening to is Lateralus and Undertow.

Spiral out. Keep going...

Also: I miss America like whoa.
hey =]
So familiar and overwhelmingly warm
This one, this form I hold now.
Embracing you, this reality here,
This one, this form I hold now, so
Wide eyed and hopeful.
Wide eyed and hopefully wild.

We barely remember what came before this precious moment,
Choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside...
This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in...
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Ha, the Ninja's totally my only girl, I love it. So happy that the engine's broken in. And so much fun in the twisties!

Why don't you ride anymore?