I hate flash. I hate it i hate it i hate it. It's summer now right and people are showing off thier tattoos. But if i have to see another piece that was taken off the wall or book of a tattoo studio i'm going to wrech. I know i have bitched about this before but this time it's really pissing me off. But don't get me wrong i have see a lot of great custom pieces too. But i firmly belive and have expirenced that a tattoo is a very deep thing. It says that i accept my own flesh and i will make it my own. So when you put a piece on your body that anyone can pick up it cheapens your body. But i know people are people and i cannot force people to do things that they don't want to do and i accept that. However, if you do get a tattoo just ask yourself this question: do i want a mark on my body that some one already has?
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Wednesday Oct 19, 2005
I've been tagged Here's my 20 1.I'm an art student 2.I'm Chinese… -
Tuesday Oct 11, 2005
I'm still alive and kicking. Hey kiddos i've become really bad a… -
Sunday Sep 18, 2005
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Thursday Sep 01, 2005
I'm back writting to you all while at school. So i'm super busy this… -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
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Sunday Aug 14, 2005
I say come over here for some peaches and what do you think? A fruit… -
Tuesday Aug 09, 2005
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Wednesday Jul 27, 2005
Okay i've had it i wish i could rip my heart from my being but even w… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
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