I have a question for all of you out there, what is your favorite type body modification?
On a different note i finally had it with my hair it's gone cut off. That's right i no longer have long hair but short hair and maybe it'll get shorter or dyed haven't decided yet. Sorry no pics yet but i'll get them up eventually i just got to find a camera or a willing photographer...any offers or color suggestions?
On a different note i finally had it with my hair it's gone cut off. That's right i no longer have long hair but short hair and maybe it'll get shorter or dyed haven't decided yet. Sorry no pics yet but i'll get them up eventually i just got to find a camera or a willing photographer...any offers or color suggestions?
My favorite body mods are tattoos, preferably something really colorful and personal.
I plan on sleeping in tomorrow. Yay! Are you going to the dog park on Sunday? Daniel and I might actually be able to go.