Okay i have to say something tattoo related. I'm sick and tired of seeing those stupid stalking lines going up the back of the leg. Some guy wanted my friend to get that on the back of her legs and here was my reply.
I'm sorry but just a line going up your leg and ending in a bow is sad i mean if you are going to get the ink do somenthing worth while because that doesn't show the tattoo artist's skill. But i'll stop here cause i'm not going to start ranting about flash right now we'll save that for another time.
Let's try and be a little more original okay
I'm sorry but just a line going up your leg and ending in a bow is sad i mean if you are going to get the ink do somenthing worth while because that doesn't show the tattoo artist's skill. But i'll stop here cause i'm not going to start ranting about flash right now we'll save that for another time.
Let's try and be a little more original okay
Speaking of tattoo's -was thinking of collaborating with you maybe near the end of the year for a piece that is currently under threads of my dreamscape and ideas meshed in process. What I mean- is paying you to design one of my next pieces, after it has morphed into its final self. Whatcha think?
I wait on the edges, ready to pounce your xquisite expressions, until then