Laudanum drops come pouring down
While lithium chills circle around you
All just to draw you in
Further than the land of sin
Past waiting for life anew
To a place unbound
Nameless faces pass on by
Caring not not asking why
Just led until they fade away
In this place of graves
Everything Passes through you as you move
Like wake-walking through your dreams
While sleep-walking though you waking life
Never find your place
As echoes are screaming wake up
Life is a stange thing isn't it. Just a sliver of reality and some how we keep trying to reach out and touch others. How do you define yours? How do you reach others? Is it all just a hallucination does it mean anything at all. Just plastering meanings on to anything. We continue to look outside for answers when they already exist inside. Immunities are not granted and answers aren't always clear some clame to know more than others but they as unaware as everyone else. For how can we truly know what is best for anyone else when we cannot live someone elses life?
While lithium chills circle around you
All just to draw you in
Further than the land of sin
Past waiting for life anew
To a place unbound
Nameless faces pass on by
Caring not not asking why
Just led until they fade away
In this place of graves
Everything Passes through you as you move
Like wake-walking through your dreams
While sleep-walking though you waking life
Never find your place
As echoes are screaming wake up
Life is a stange thing isn't it. Just a sliver of reality and some how we keep trying to reach out and touch others. How do you define yours? How do you reach others? Is it all just a hallucination does it mean anything at all. Just plastering meanings on to anything. We continue to look outside for answers when they already exist inside. Immunities are not granted and answers aren't always clear some clame to know more than others but they as unaware as everyone else. For how can we truly know what is best for anyone else when we cannot live someone elses life?
I hear you about having too many things to do and not enough time to do them. I could use quite a bit of time at home just to take care of things here.