Alright so here is the deal in short. My younger sister moved to the middle of butt fuck no where to go to school. While she is out there her roommate turns into a psycho and kicks her out. She moves in with someone else. This roommate takes off and just disappears. So she lives with some woman who has dog shit all over her house and she's doing METH. With a small child in the house. So out of desperation she calls my parents. They come home with her. For a while she's doing fine. Not too moody but a little moody. She had burn marks on her lip from smoking meth and she was coming down pretty hard so she wasn't really the happiest person to be around. All of a sudden things take a huge turn. She basically takes my dad's truck without really asking (after yelling at him on the phone when he said no) and hitting a pole with it. When she gets back she comes back with two guys and asks my parents if they can live with her in my parent's house. So when my parents say no she tells them to fuck themselves and takes off. As she's walking down the street my older sister runs into her and tries to talk her out of doing this. She punches Jenny in the face and keeps walking. She then a few hours later calls my parents and asks them to bring her to Pittsburg. They say ok

Hope the rest of you are doing better.


i just wanted to say thanks for coming out last night
sorry i didn't get a chance to talk to you a little more after the show and i hope you found a ride to where you were going.so like we should hang sometime.