It's really cold in my house right now. I've been watcing Histories Mysteries for most of this afternoon.
The episode that's on now is about Zombies. There was one on witches and excorsism too.
I love halloween time. There's always scary ghost things on tv.
On a totally different subject, I went out with my friend Matt last night. It was fun. We had dinner at an Irish pub then we went to this new bar in Petaluma. It was very Manhattan as Matt described it. It was very fun.
I have good news too!!! I have a job interview on Wenesday. I'm so excited about it. It's nothing too exciting but it's at a really cool grocery store that I love to shop at so working there would be fine by me. Best part, fulltime work, benefits, discounts, and it's only 15 minutes from my house.
I painted my nails black today. I've been wanting to paint them for a while but I just got it done.
I love black nail polish.
Thanks for the update Jess!!!
Alright, I have a lot of homework to do so I must go.
Wow, this was long.

On a totally different subject, I went out with my friend Matt last night. It was fun. We had dinner at an Irish pub then we went to this new bar in Petaluma. It was very Manhattan as Matt described it. It was very fun.


I painted my nails black today. I've been wanting to paint them for a while but I just got it done.

Thanks for the update Jess!!!
Alright, I have a lot of homework to do so I must go.

Wow, this was long.

I just saw the movie "Saw" WHAT A CRAZY MOVIE! I was so scared.
Anywho- just saying hello