hello guys!!!! tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im back!
thanks to many things that have happened to me , I am the person I am now. I'm back after a long time to take me to think and travel I want to show with this blog and 2 blogs more to do, and changed my life.
been a long time , I had to be away a while SG , but I'm back . during this time many good things have happened in my life I hope to make new photos soon to see the changes that I've had. I dedicate this year to travel around South America. visit Brazil, Paraguay , Argentina and Uruguay .
I want to show some pictures of my trip. I fell in love with Brazil and its beaches , visit a beautiful island called Isla Grande and in that place I found myself again.
I'm more tattooed , change my hair a lot and I moved to a house with many who are now my best mates .
people say that the changes are good, but the changes are scary. I was very afraid for all the changes that were happening in my life in a very quick way , but today I can say I 'm happy.
so, im going to do some blogs for show you my travel! this is the frist Brazil!
This was the beginning the first time I get on a plane .
he is my boyfriend! he was work in brazil, but now is here in Chile wth me <3
this is crazy! CAIPIRIÑA
cheese!!!!! VEGAN CHEESE!!!! in Chile dont have cheese u.u
ok this is pat of my thivel! the frist part.
next time paraguay and uruguay!
love you guys! XOXO