Well, so far 2007 does not feel any different than 2006. I still don't want to go to school tomorrow. Resolutions can only do as much for you as you put into them. My resolutions? I don't really have any... I guess mine are more like hopes or goals. Not really something I am definitely going to do, but things that would make me supremely happy if they happened before 2008.
- Graduate on time
- Get a good job that I enjoy
- Make enough money to afford to get out of this house
- Get a boob job
- Lose my last little bit of baby weight that I've been trying to lose for 6 years with no luck
- Be naked on the internet
To graduate on time, I need to make up at least 10 Saturdays. Bleh. But, I can do it. Getting a good job pretty much falls in line with graduating and passing my state board exams. Money will follow the job, and having money will make it easier to get a boob job. So, technically my first four goals are all related, and I can't have any of them unless I complete the one above.
The baby fat thing... bleh. I have no idea how to get rid of it. I added a bunch of stripper stuff to my amazon wishlist, because I know that's a good workout, but seriously, I cannot get it to go away. I am active, I don't eat much.... I don't know what else to do.
And, the naked on the internet thing... it will come in time. I'd feel even better if I had the body (the boobs and the weight thing) behind me, but I feel good enough about the way I look to do it now.
I got some cool information about a job opportunity through a really good friend of mine, but I don't think it will pan out. I still really want to do it, but I would be required to work on weekends. Unfortunately, since I have to make up all those Saturdays, my weekends are pretty shot. I've got scrimmage on Sunday nights. I will probably call anyway to see if something can be worked out, because I really could use the money, but I'm not expecting to get it. Damn.
- Graduate on time
- Get a good job that I enjoy
- Make enough money to afford to get out of this house
- Get a boob job
- Lose my last little bit of baby weight that I've been trying to lose for 6 years with no luck
- Be naked on the internet
To graduate on time, I need to make up at least 10 Saturdays. Bleh. But, I can do it. Getting a good job pretty much falls in line with graduating and passing my state board exams. Money will follow the job, and having money will make it easier to get a boob job. So, technically my first four goals are all related, and I can't have any of them unless I complete the one above.
The baby fat thing... bleh. I have no idea how to get rid of it. I added a bunch of stripper stuff to my amazon wishlist, because I know that's a good workout, but seriously, I cannot get it to go away. I am active, I don't eat much.... I don't know what else to do.
And, the naked on the internet thing... it will come in time. I'd feel even better if I had the body (the boobs and the weight thing) behind me, but I feel good enough about the way I look to do it now.
I got some cool information about a job opportunity through a really good friend of mine, but I don't think it will pan out. I still really want to do it, but I would be required to work on weekends. Unfortunately, since I have to make up all those Saturdays, my weekends are pretty shot. I've got scrimmage on Sunday nights. I will probably call anyway to see if something can be worked out, because I really could use the money, but I'm not expecting to get it. Damn.
2:00 PM. I'm drunk as hell right now, but I made the appt. when I was sober

Thank you
I'm going to pass out now