Nothing gives you a big self esteem boost like being hit on. Seriously, I NEVER get hit on (unless you count internet guys, which I don't), so this was a nice change. Of course, I'm already happily taken so there wasn't anything I could (or would) do about it, but it was nice anyway. Makes ya feel good. Especially when the guy is SUPER hot and smells good
I've got two ideas for my next set. One is heavily themed, and mocks/mirrors a scene from one of my favorite movies. It should be fun and interesting to shoot, if I can figure out how to get it done. It will definitely be different, to say the least, and just the movie alone would call for lots of poses and facial expressions. The other is a more plain, lingerie bedroom type set. Less unique, but probably more apt to get accepted for my first set. We'll see. I'll have to dig through my trunk of old RHPS stuff and look for costumes, lingerie and stuff. And figure out where to shoot it.
I've got three months, so I have plenty of time to sit and stew about it.
I've got two ideas for my next set. One is heavily themed, and mocks/mirrors a scene from one of my favorite movies. It should be fun and interesting to shoot, if I can figure out how to get it done. It will definitely be different, to say the least, and just the movie alone would call for lots of poses and facial expressions. The other is a more plain, lingerie bedroom type set. Less unique, but probably more apt to get accepted for my first set. We'll see. I'll have to dig through my trunk of old RHPS stuff and look for costumes, lingerie and stuff. And figure out where to shoot it.
I've got three months, so I have plenty of time to sit and stew about it.
Good luck. I look forward to seeing the finished product. ( Not hitting on you )