Last night Ali, Ron, Jay and I were at Z's house working on some awards for the upcoming Wheelies. We decided we wanted some ice cream, so we headed over to Cold Stone and then wandered Wal-Mart picking up some extra decorations and paint for more awards and centerpieces. Ali got some cute sweater shirts and some underwear, and a red Nintendo DS. Jay got...
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Wal-Mart makes my eyes bleed.
Did you get a new car? I thought I saw you driving over at Kolb/ Golf Links.

Hi! ::waves:: My name is Amber, and I'm a reality TV whore.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm a junkie for reality TV, although I'm still not sure why. Survivor, Amazing Race, What Not to Wear, Rock of Love... you get the picture. However, I think I hit a new low this week. I started watching A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. The first...
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Anyone who knows me knows I'm a junkie for reality TV, although I'm still not sure why. Survivor, Amazing Race, What Not to Wear, Rock of Love... you get the picture. However, I think I hit a new low this week. I started watching A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. The first...
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For god's sake step away from the t.v.
Reality television is apparently one of the signs of the apocolypse. When a billion people watch the same shit at the same time, baby jesus will come down out of the sky and systematically kill everyone watching. Then we will go ice skating

Zombie walk was awesome. At our last count we had over 200 zombies shambling down the streets of Tucson. For the most part, it went well. Until some little jackasses decided they didn't have to listen to the "don't bang on windows/cars" rule and started hitting a SunTran bus. Jerks. Of course, since thats government run they called the cops faster than anything and...
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Zombie walk was awesome. At our last count we had over 200 zombies shambling down the streets of Tucson. For the most part, it went well. Until some little jackasses decided they didn't have to listen to the "don't bang on windows/cars" rule and started hitting a SunTran bus. Jerks. Of course, since thats government run they called the cops faster than anything and...
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Glad you had a good time with the masses of undead
Stop with the eeping, you will kick ass. Then you can fix my mess.
See latest blog for pic of insanity.
Good luck! Let me know how it goes

Stop with the eeping, you will kick ass. Then you can fix my mess.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes

How did the State Board go??????? Are you all legal n stuff now. Wow, that sounded creepy
Give me a call sometime silly lady. We should go boozing

Give me a call sometime silly lady. We should go boozing

Just a few things to play catch up
XM Radio is the awesomest. Thank you Blakey!! You are the greatest, and I owe you some cookies.
My dad is still a douche. All of his kids have lost respect for him. And his wife is a stupid bitch who can't understand that his kids should ALWAYS come first. I'm sorry she doesn't talk to her...
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XM Radio is the awesomest. Thank you Blakey!! You are the greatest, and I owe you some cookies.
My dad is still a douche. All of his kids have lost respect for him. And his wife is a stupid bitch who can't understand that his kids should ALWAYS come first. I'm sorry she doesn't talk to her...
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I would probably watch that show if they could promise wardrobe malfunctions

This is it.
Last game of the season. I'm nervous as hell (I am before every game) and ready to kick some ass. Wish us luck!
Last game of the season. I'm nervous as hell (I am before every game) and ready to kick some ass. Wish us luck!
I'm ready for the season to be over. I'm ready for a break from derby that is really a break, not just a lull in the season. I love it and I'm definitely not ready to give it up, but I love the end of the season. No more kicking my own ass to make eligibility! At least not for a bit. And as usual,...
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What's for dinner? Rather odd text methinks
And yet again I am stricken jealous by your Disneyland adventures

And yet again I am stricken jealous by your Disneyland adventures

I like having longer hair for once, but I'm beginning to remember why I didn't like it before. I kinda want a change, but I still haven't been able to decide. I've had my hair about this length (bra strap?) at it's longest, and then a 2-3 in. cropped cut at it's shortest, so I've had the full spectrum of lengths.
Negatives to long hair...
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Negatives to long hair...
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I vote for keeping it long, but obviously I am slightly jaded that way

Bitchy whiny family rant begins in 3...2...1...
So I haven't talked a lot about this here, but my brother got himself into some trouble. He got pulled over for a DUI twice (both while he was underage) and one of the times he also got a possession charge. He's been making stupid decisions, but he's paying for them. Last week, he spent a day in...
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So I haven't talked a lot about this here, but my brother got himself into some trouble. He got pulled over for a DUI twice (both while he was underage) and one of the times he also got a possession charge. He's been making stupid decisions, but he's paying for them. Last week, he spent a day in...
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Damn that sucks
My family lives 1500 miles away for that same reason.

Well I finally got my paperwork sent off to state board, which means in the next month or so I'll be taking my exam to attempt to become a licensed cosmetologist. It's going to be a busy month, to say the very least, so I'm hoping I get a date that is in October. It should be, but who knows. I've got Amber's yardsale this...
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Damn you for going to Disneyland for the bazillionth time
So jealous.

Oh damn
That can't feel so nice