Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!!
I hope you all have a fun time...I'm headed to the parentals in CT for a while and am welcoming the break. As some of you have noticed I haven't been around much - it's for good reasons I guess - work has been busy, I'm getting a raise (yipee) and I've been trying to hit the gym extra hard to get bikini-ready for the Bahamas trip in February. I highly doubt any of you are coming onto SG and crying "Lita!!!!!! Where are you????" but I will try to be on more often.
Steve! I am so sorry I've been so crap at keeping in touch - it's true, you're im'ing and all. I'm sorry hun, I'll try harder after the holiday.
I know it's cheesy, but I have a few resolutions I'm looking to put into effect after the new year......just going to be focusing on making myself healthier and stronger - both mentally and physically
Now that I've finally become completely okay with not being coupled up - I'm actually quite enjoying it - I'm going to focus on moi
Although a boy to kiss on New Year's would be fun (cliche, but fun)........
Hope everyone is well
I hope you all have a fun time...I'm headed to the parentals in CT for a while and am welcoming the break. As some of you have noticed I haven't been around much - it's for good reasons I guess - work has been busy, I'm getting a raise (yipee) and I've been trying to hit the gym extra hard to get bikini-ready for the Bahamas trip in February. I highly doubt any of you are coming onto SG and crying "Lita!!!!!! Where are you????" but I will try to be on more often.
Steve! I am so sorry I've been so crap at keeping in touch - it's true, you're im'ing and all. I'm sorry hun, I'll try harder after the holiday.
I know it's cheesy, but I have a few resolutions I'm looking to put into effect after the new year......just going to be focusing on making myself healthier and stronger - both mentally and physically

Hope everyone is well

Have a Merry Christmas and post pics in said bikini ; )
Have a great Christmas lambie pie.