Hey there @missy and @rambo , I have an old blog homework for yah!
"Review the last movie you watched"
Well ladies and gents, it's here, and we are in the thick of it. Thats right, Hockey Season.
There is always one movie that i could watch over and over and NEVER get sick of it. It's a movie I watch every hockey season. It's one of those movies that I feel everyone should watch because i feel it is highly under appreciated.
This movie is Goon.
To be honest I dont really like sports movies. Like, at all. But to me "Goon" is not a sports movie. It is about a man who sees the world through rose colored lenses. However, this sweet man has never achieved much success in life due to the fact that he doesn't funtion on the same intellectual level as most people. As luck may have it, life hands him an opportunity and he gets introduced to people who believe in him and help him reach potential.
Just incase im making it sound super lame, this movie is JAM PACKED with hockey and violence- Fuck Yeah!! If you like hockey you will love Goon. Growing up in southern Alberta, Canada, Hockey is a part of who i am. It's a part of our culture. Here, if you dont play hockey, you know a bunch of other people who do. I used to watch it on Tv with my Dad when I was little, and now i go to a hockey game every couple of weeks.
There are so many quotable lines from the movie, i think it's just so fucking funny. I'm totally in stiches the whole time. But i find one line very relatable; "Fuck it...I dig hockey players. The shit, the violence, the beer, all of it. I fucking love it."
And i do. The beer? Fucking love it! Stadium draught, however gross, is magical, haha. The violence? Bring it on! Although i do sometimes find it a litte unnecessary. 😚 And hockey players? Yes please. I love me a man who can skate.
All in all i would urge you to see it, it is one of my favs!!
So i want to know what are some of the movies you can watch over and over and never get sick of??