Well I finally got my answers. Not what I was hoping so desperately but still, I know a lot more now! It is important I think.
Things need time and healing needs time, painful time, but that is what live is. Wouldn't it be very boring without trouble and stuff what keeps your mind busy?
Friendship is something really precious and very very helpful in some moments. to know there is a good friend somewhere.
Good friends, never give them up!!
"Thank you for still being my friend and want to be my friend!"
I am glad about this and I will never gamble with it, with our friendship. this is very important for me.
Love is like the wild rose-briar,
Friendship like the holly-tree --
The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
But which will bloom most contantly?
The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,
Its summer blossoms scent the air;
Yet wait till winter comes again
And who wil call the wild-briar fair?
Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now
And deck thee with the holly's sheen,
That when December blights thy brow
He may still leave thy garland green.
(Emily Jane Bront )
Anyways, my job is keeping me very very busy right now, big jobs coming up and all our hands are needed there. Desperately trying to find some people who are interested experienced in arts and crafts.
(I will soon put some photos i here of my work)
4 weeks from now another German guy is coming to work with us down here in beautiful Australia. It is always good to see people who are interested in this old European trade and want to share their experience.
Plans for the future in Australia:
Well I am planing to stay here in Australia for quite a while now. Visa is accepted and business is going very good.
I was very unsure the last few days if I want to stay here and was missing my people very much, people who are very close to me and there for a hug and an open ear without any comments. But well technique makes almost everything possible, just the hugs I have to imagine.
I just had to think about everything a lot and I came up with that I am not ready to go back now. I still want to see more and my job here is very very good and I have really nice colleagues.
And I am not ready yet to take over our family business, that will hold me away from doing what I feel like and realise spontaneous ideas. Maybe some day I am ready for that. My family, what I really very much appreciate, accepts all that and understand me.
I just love them so much and they are the most important persons in my life also if some things happen what are sad and not really to change. We are still one family and nobody can ever take that away.
What else?
looking forward for my sister to come in August and have some good time and fun with her. I thought about flying to Allice Springs with her and stay there maybe for 2 days and then come back to Sydney, rent a proper car ( mine is lovely, but wouldn't make it) and go up the coast, as far as we get and go back through the country....
I think this is now enough for today, if I don't stop now, I'll write for ever.
Take care all of you reading this.....

most welcome. nice to meet you also. how long are you here for now???
sounds like a good comment to leave to me. i did kind of expect that sort of thing. it was a silly thing to do, but hey, silly things make people laugh. and that is always a good thing in my books. by the way i just sent a request.