well i did deliver the letter, and its been 5 days and today was the reply.. i was rejected but in the sweetest possible way, we are still best friends, possibly even stronger than before, with all this tension I had gone! it hopefully will be easier, not in the process of getting over him.. but we are the coolest friends.. Sometimes I see myself in an episode of that 70's show, where I am Donna just chilling with Hyde or something. meh.
The past 4 days have been pretty exciting for me, it got my mind off the fact that I had given the letter. My old youth group had an international convention here in Toronto at Sheraton Hotel. Basically it's called USY its a jewish organization for teenagers in grade 9 - 12. And international convention is when all of north america comes together.. all the different regions.
1200 jewish teenagers... well I got to staff it, well chaperone the teens.
Since I am only 2 years out of my youth group, there were still people I knew and was friends with. I was so excited to see them, very nostalgic feeling of being back in that atmosphere.
While I was staffing I met another staff member from New Jersey. this guy Alex!
We hung out during my 8 hour shift on monday and tuesday..we really liked eachother, on the elevator up to the chaperone office where my jacket was he kissed me, ofcourse I didn't oppose, even though I liked Jon. And then wednesday we made a little date to go ice skating at nathan phillip square during the USY'ers 2 hour free time. We held hands and skated... But I did realize this was just a random hookup since he lived so far... after skating we wondered off on queen street came back to the hotel snuck off into a stairwell and made out. Since he could have gotten in trouble for having a girl on the "boys" floor.. since the girls and guys are seperated.. its a conservative jewish group. Plus they dont want kids/teenagers doing dirty things lol.
Even staff. I hadn't really made out with anyone since my last bf a year ago, it was very nice.
Then today the convention ended, andeveryone left. he on his bus to new jersey, we said our goodbyes last night. now I really miss him.. I will have to make a trip to new jersey. I am done school in april, who knows what can happen. But then again he is studying something like aerospace engineering or someting called Public Policy right now at Georgia Tech, and is in Air Force ROTC. *shrugs* i know this stuff is pretty long, and busy.
Sorry for the long entry, just had such a crazy week.. full of ups and downs.. mainly ups.. today was the only downs 1) rejection 1) over emotional heart from missing Alex and friends.
goodnight (to those who actually read this entire entry... you deserve a kiss *SMOOCH*)
The past 4 days have been pretty exciting for me, it got my mind off the fact that I had given the letter. My old youth group had an international convention here in Toronto at Sheraton Hotel. Basically it's called USY its a jewish organization for teenagers in grade 9 - 12. And international convention is when all of north america comes together.. all the different regions.
1200 jewish teenagers... well I got to staff it, well chaperone the teens.
Since I am only 2 years out of my youth group, there were still people I knew and was friends with. I was so excited to see them, very nostalgic feeling of being back in that atmosphere.
While I was staffing I met another staff member from New Jersey. this guy Alex!
We hung out during my 8 hour shift on monday and tuesday..we really liked eachother, on the elevator up to the chaperone office where my jacket was he kissed me, ofcourse I didn't oppose, even though I liked Jon. And then wednesday we made a little date to go ice skating at nathan phillip square during the USY'ers 2 hour free time. We held hands and skated... But I did realize this was just a random hookup since he lived so far... after skating we wondered off on queen street came back to the hotel snuck off into a stairwell and made out. Since he could have gotten in trouble for having a girl on the "boys" floor.. since the girls and guys are seperated.. its a conservative jewish group. Plus they dont want kids/teenagers doing dirty things lol.
Even staff. I hadn't really made out with anyone since my last bf a year ago, it was very nice.
Then today the convention ended, andeveryone left. he on his bus to new jersey, we said our goodbyes last night. now I really miss him.. I will have to make a trip to new jersey. I am done school in april, who knows what can happen. But then again he is studying something like aerospace engineering or someting called Public Policy right now at Georgia Tech, and is in Air Force ROTC. *shrugs* i know this stuff is pretty long, and busy.
Sorry for the long entry, just had such a crazy week.. full of ups and downs.. mainly ups.. today was the only downs 1) rejection 1) over emotional heart from missing Alex and friends.
goodnight (to those who actually read this entire entry... you deserve a kiss *SMOOCH*)
That's so cool! Smooching in the stairwell!!! Score...