Thank goodness it's Friday, although it just means less days until my essay is due.....
This weekend should be great, but also packed.
Tonight I have another date with a guy named Justin. And no I am not hussying myself, I am just seeing what's out there. I am ready to date and gosh darnit I will go on as many dates as I want.
Saturday morning I am looking at 2 apartments, hopefully those will end my search if not I am holding off until after essays are sent in.
I work Saturday from 11-6 pm with one of my new clients, an autistic 6 year old. I go on my second date with Chris Saturday night, I am taking him to the one year anniversary of a salon I go to where there is free beer and food and then we are off to Sneaky Dee's for my co-workers punk band. Yep awesome plans and who knows where else we will go it's a Saturday the ideas are endless (and no not his apartment).
Forgot to mention Chris reminds me of this:

(not exactly like Johnny Depp, but very Cry Baby/Rockabilly/Psychobilli style)..
his hair slicked back with a chunk of blonde in it. *mmm*
Sunday I work 10 -3 at yoga studio and then 3:30 - 7 with my new client. Sunday night I want to attempt to finish my 4-5 page essay, I have 1.5 pages I think I can do it.
Next week no social life, writing 8 page essay.
Have a good weekend!
This weekend should be great, but also packed.
Tonight I have another date with a guy named Justin. And no I am not hussying myself, I am just seeing what's out there. I am ready to date and gosh darnit I will go on as many dates as I want.

Saturday morning I am looking at 2 apartments, hopefully those will end my search if not I am holding off until after essays are sent in.
I work Saturday from 11-6 pm with one of my new clients, an autistic 6 year old. I go on my second date with Chris Saturday night, I am taking him to the one year anniversary of a salon I go to where there is free beer and food and then we are off to Sneaky Dee's for my co-workers punk band. Yep awesome plans and who knows where else we will go it's a Saturday the ideas are endless (and no not his apartment).
Forgot to mention Chris reminds me of this:

(not exactly like Johnny Depp, but very Cry Baby/Rockabilly/Psychobilli style)..
his hair slicked back with a chunk of blonde in it. *mmm*
Sunday I work 10 -3 at yoga studio and then 3:30 - 7 with my new client. Sunday night I want to attempt to finish my 4-5 page essay, I have 1.5 pages I think I can do it.
Next week no social life, writing 8 page essay.
Have a good weekend!
woo to you too.