I flipping hate Strep!!!!! And the person who gave it to me whomever you may be I will cough on you many many times. If only I knew who.
I've got my anti biotics, my faithful friend which is tea w/ lemon and honey. I am awaiting my mom to come home with some ginger
I <3 ginger. She also said she was going to make me chicken soup from scratch oh boy oh boy happy day.
But then again not so happy day. I took work off, this hacking cough and wheezing is killing me.
It's my 25th birthday on Wednesday and this is what I get. I surely hope I won't be ill for that since i am going in for 3 hours of tattoo work the night of my bday. My present to myself.
I need to kick this quickly not just for my bday plans but I can't take too many sicks days anymore.
The weekend of the 14th is my final 3 days of my first course in University so I have lots of studying for my exam on the 15th.. Then I have to start cracking on my final essay due Dec 8th.
I also am apartment shopping for January 1st. And that is stressing me out, because I want a one bedroom and everything in my price range is kind of dingy and I can't settle for that. I am pretty pumped to move out but not so pumped about the actual moving process and packing
I am going to go crawl into my bed right now.
BTW: I want to put pics up but don't remember how to resize photos. I use iphoto on my mac and can't find the option in edit.
I've got my anti biotics, my faithful friend which is tea w/ lemon and honey. I am awaiting my mom to come home with some ginger

But then again not so happy day. I took work off, this hacking cough and wheezing is killing me.
It's my 25th birthday on Wednesday and this is what I get. I surely hope I won't be ill for that since i am going in for 3 hours of tattoo work the night of my bday. My present to myself.
I need to kick this quickly not just for my bday plans but I can't take too many sicks days anymore.
The weekend of the 14th is my final 3 days of my first course in University so I have lots of studying for my exam on the 15th.. Then I have to start cracking on my final essay due Dec 8th.
I also am apartment shopping for January 1st. And that is stressing me out, because I want a one bedroom and everything in my price range is kind of dingy and I can't settle for that. I am pretty pumped to move out but not so pumped about the actual moving process and packing

I am going to go crawl into my bed right now.
BTW: I want to put pics up but don't remember how to resize photos. I use iphoto on my mac and can't find the option in edit.
macs boggle my brain. ive had mine for about 4 months now and im still lost