Hope that everyone had a great winter holiday... I for one am looking forward to a new year with a new start. Yuppp
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 27, 2009
So I lost my job today... been there six years with no problems ... t… -
Sunday Oct 18, 2009
Not a lot going on here... work and school and work some more. Silve… -
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
I swear if I hear "that's not my job" one more time. For the love of… -
Wednesday Mar 11, 2009
Looking to the future and seeing happiness for the first time in a lo… -
Friday Feb 27, 2009
So my dear dear friend L. Michelle posted a blog about this "church" … -
Monday Dec 01, 2008
Read More -
Monday Dec 01, 2008
Haven't been feeling well for a couple of weeks... seems like every y… -
Monday Sep 29, 2008
I need a vacation!!! Just like four days where my cell phones don't r… -
Monday Sep 08, 2008
What a day... Why are people so dumb? I try very hard to be open min… -
Monday Aug 25, 2008
So many thoughts running through my head and no idea how to get them …