I have made a pretty big decision in my life... I am not going to have sex for the next six months. Yes that is it I've decided that I am going to hold out. Now this doesn't mean that I will not service myself because I tend to really need that release on a pretty regular basis but I am not looking for just another booty call. So from today until Feb 7, 2012 I will not have sex with anyone besides myself... No men no women none at all. Kinda nervous about this actually but I think it might be for the best.
fyi feb 2011 had come and gone....not setting very high goals there. Just kidding, I completely understand what you meant. I wish you the best of luck. May I ask what is driving you toward this?
Wow I was apparently not paying any attention when I wrote that LOL.... Why I have decided this well because I really like sex ... like a lot and find that I tend to place a lot of value on that with the men or women that I am seeing and don't really pay attention to the other things. Then I wake up one day and go wow I have nothing in common with this person or the ever so fun hmmm.... I can;t even stand being in the same room as this person. So I am thinking that if I put less into the sex portion and spend more time actually getting to know the person then I might find someone that I actually want to be with. ... I guess it might be worth a shot.