So my dear dear friend L. Michelle posted a blog about this "church" as they are coming into her community to protest at a high school. After reading there protest schedule and what they are protesting against I was astonished that this is even happening in this day and age. So I had to look at the entire web site and I simply now want to get out this website to people so they can see what is continuing to go on in our country. Please people do NOT be like these people... please please please be open minded and caring. Stop the persecution of others. Stop thinking that just because people are different from you that they are bad or wrong. Everyone deserves a chance in life. There are good people in the world of every race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality and background. Don't judge people. Please Please Please don't judge others. Here is the website if you want to look at what has stung me ... I just can't believe that people still think this way.
Everything printed on that website says that church stands for everything I stand against. The world needs people like us who give a damn only because of close minded self righteous bigots like that. Failsauce, church dudes. Failsauce.