I need a vacation!!! Just like four days where my cell phones don't ring and I can not worry about work. On a brighter note I think I have figured out how I am going to manage my hectic work schedule, keep Silvercord happy, and go back to school in January. Maybe... I think I nmay need to be medicated but I'm almost done with school and for gods sake I just need to get it done.
More Blogs
Monday Mar 07, 2011
You are making the wrong assumptions.... yup that's all I have to say… -
Monday Mar 07, 2011
Re reading "Why Men Love Bitches' it really is a great book. Spent … -
Monday Mar 07, 2011
Good morning good morning the little bird sang... -
Sunday Mar 06, 2011
After a horrific week at work I am so looking forward to some down ti… -
Friday Mar 04, 2011
Hit 82 tonight WOOT!!! -
Tuesday Mar 01, 2011
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK... that is all -
Tuesday Mar 01, 2011
been almost a week since he broke up with me and tonight he wants to … -
Sunday Feb 27, 2011
Took a couple days off the blogging to spend some time with my parent… -
Thursday Feb 24, 2011
So it's official... again I've fucked it up and am single. Although … -
Tuesday Feb 22, 2011
Not a huge country music fan at all but really feeling this song righ…
Vacations are wonderful things, and the best are the ones where you "forget" your cellphone somewhere. As of Monday, I will be a married student and full-time employee. Should be fun. I may need to be medicated too
P.S.-All that, and I will still find a way to play WoW.... hehe.