I need a vacation!!! Just like four days where my cell phones don't ring and I can not worry about work. On a brighter note I think I have figured out how I am going to manage my hectic work schedule, keep Silvercord happy, and go back to school in January. Maybe... I think I nmay need to be medicated but I'm almost done with school and for gods sake I just need to get it done.
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 11, 2011
So I failed... yup made it two days LOL. Nothing really new going on… -
Sunday Aug 07, 2011
I have made a pretty big decision in my life... I am not going to hav… -
Saturday Aug 06, 2011
Fievel was always one of my favorite movies while I was growing up an… -
Thursday Aug 04, 2011
This is my amazing friend Kevin and his daughter Jamie doing one of m… -
Wednesday Aug 03, 2011
Had one of those moments today... I was driving to work and had the t… -
Monday Aug 01, 2011
Life has really been giving me a lot of things to think about lately … -
Wednesday Jul 27, 2011
Men are dumb and I have officially decided that I am completely done … -
Saturday Jul 23, 2011
Because nothing is better then Bloody Mary's and cigars with friends … -
Thursday Jul 21, 2011
Life in Michigan is always interesting and its been amazing this week… -
Thursday Jul 14, 2011
You're married... that means that you can not spend our entire girls …
Vacations are wonderful things, and the best are the ones where you "forget" your cellphone somewhere. As of Monday, I will be a married student and full-time employee. Should be fun. I may need to be medicated too
P.S.-All that, and I will still find a way to play WoW.... hehe.