It is what it is... I say that a lot and I never realized really what I meant by it until one of the kids I work with called me on it today. So I guess I've been thinking about what I really mean by it. When I say it in regards to my job I really do mean it is what it is... the kids I work with are always kids and will always do things that I don't and never will understand. I will never understand why they will fight over words... talk is cheap gentlemen and you wont die from it. Living the street life will get you one of two things... dead or in prison... and had they just gone to school they would have never gotten in trouble for smoking pot.
When I say it in regards to my family... it means they are still driving me insane and it'll never change. My sister will never make up her mind to actually leave her husband and get her life back together. My grandparents will never accept me for who I am and they will tell me how horrible I look every time I see them. I will continue to pretend that I am ok with my mother's illness when I am afraid everytime my dad calls me that my mom is dead. I will hope every day that my brother is going to be ok and keep heading down the road he has finally found.
In the relationship it means that even though silvercord and I have our issues he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He accepts me for me.... he makes me feel so good about who I am and I love him. He's the first man I have ever been with that I doesn't make me feel like he is going to walk out if I show my true colors. He's the best and I don't know where I would be without him.
Friends well it means exactly that... they are who they are and it is what it is. They are all amazing and wonderful people who i love.
Thanks for letting me rant I just needed to get it all out tonight.
PS I want to start doing my photography again and am always looking for models here in the worst state in the world... MICHIGAN.
When I say it in regards to my family... it means they are still driving me insane and it'll never change. My sister will never make up her mind to actually leave her husband and get her life back together. My grandparents will never accept me for who I am and they will tell me how horrible I look every time I see them. I will continue to pretend that I am ok with my mother's illness when I am afraid everytime my dad calls me that my mom is dead. I will hope every day that my brother is going to be ok and keep heading down the road he has finally found.
In the relationship it means that even though silvercord and I have our issues he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He accepts me for me.... he makes me feel so good about who I am and I love him. He's the first man I have ever been with that I doesn't make me feel like he is going to walk out if I show my true colors. He's the best and I don't know where I would be without him.
Friends well it means exactly that... they are who they are and it is what it is. They are all amazing and wonderful people who i love.
Thanks for letting me rant I just needed to get it all out tonight.
PS I want to start doing my photography again and am always looking for models here in the worst state in the world... MICHIGAN.
Its pretty intriguing that you can see the different layers of thought behind what you say. I do it sometimes too.