Rain is beating a tattoo on the roof as I type, the rhythm is steady and fast like a speed freaks heart just after a big score. a 12 gauge blast of thunder rocks the window panes sending me scurrying back the ghetto gun blasts of my youth. Still all these years removed from the danger I duck and cover. I know its only thunder but can not convince my reptilian brain that we are safe. They say time heals all wounds, but it also puts us all six feet down. The race is to see if it heals it prior to death, or maybe that is real meaning of that old saw, only death heals all wounds didnt seem to comfort folks so they had to pretty it up.
What scars do carry proudly?
What scars do you hide?
What scars do carry proudly?
What scars do you hide?
understand the limitations of my body; to understand
mortality, and the fact that some things are permanent
throughout the duration of a lifespan,
A scarred mind and a callous heart.
The Vikings had a saying: "Wotan, replace my heart with a
I think it is one of the lines or fragments in the "Poetic Edda's"