Alright, I'm feeling somewhat better. After Thursday, I was finally done trying to be with him again. I was out with some friends and he texted me just asking how I was and I told him that I went to sephora to buy some makeup and he called me telling me that it only makes me look desperate to look good and that I have my personality to get someone else. Me, being the smartass that I am said,
Well, considering that you dumped me because of my personality, I think this what I should do.
Then He gets angry with me. Saying that I'm just looking stupid and all this other stuff. Then, He starts telling me that his coworkers best friend thinks he's hot. I totally just got angry with him and then he gets the nerve to say,
I thought we were friends. I thought we could talk about stuff like this. too soon?
Of course it's too soon. We haven't even been broken up for a whole week and he pulls this shit on me. So, I get mad and told him about this guy that I've had my eye on for a very long time, and then he gets angry with me and says,
You're being REALLY annoying Lisa. You're just trying to make me jealous and it's making you look so stupid and desperate right now.
On Saturday, My aunt told me about her experience with my cousin's now ex wife who was also Bipolar. She told me all that he went through and it was like she was talking about my relationship with Tim when he got off his medication.
So thats the end of it. I guess.