I got bored...so music survey!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Music shuffle survey <3
put music player on shuffle.. do not skip! makes it more fun!
how do you feel right now?:
Skeleton Song- Kate Nash
what did you dream about last nite?:
Campus- Vampire Weekend
what song will you have at your funeral?:
Star Of Bethleham- Angels & Airwaves
what song reminds you of the person you like atm?:
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead- Stars
what song describes your parents?:
All We Know- Paramore
what song is about your love life?:
The World Has It's Shine (But I Would Drop It On A Dime)- Cobra Starship
what best describes your friends??:
Skit No. 1- Kanye West
what best describes your workmates?:
Amanda- Aisha Duo
what song will you play at your wedding?:
Start The End Again- Flee The Seen
describe yout first kiss..:
My Lust Is Dead- Loveninjas
what do you want for Christmas:
Andy, You're A Star- The Killers
what song describes the day you had today?:
Play- Kate Nash
what song describes your future??:
what is your favourit thing to do ?:
Straight Outta Blood Gulch- Pure PWNAGE
who do you love?:
City- Sara Bareilles
what do you feel like doing right now?:
Okay, I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't- Brand New
what are your plans for the weekend?:
Morningside- Sara Bareilles
what is the worst way to spend the day??:
Flashing Lights- Kanye West
what do you wish you could change?:
The Way- Loveninjas
what song describes the person you last spoke to on msn?:
Sweet Geisha Love- Loveninjas
what song reminds you of your top friend on myspace?:
Somebody's Baby- Yo La Tengo
what is your secret desire?:
The Luckiest Guy On Lower East Side- Magnetic Fields
who are you?: Beautiful Girl- Robyn Hitchcock
what did you think about school?:
Bruised- Jack's Mannequin
where do you wish you were?:
Worn Me Down- Rachael Yamagata
what are you hungry for?:
Do You Think Dallas Is Still In The Slammer?- Flee The Seen
what are you thinking about?
: Do You Want To- Franz Ferdinand
who is thinking about you?:
A-Punk- Vampire Weekend
what is your favourite song ever?:
Love Song- Sara Bareilles
do you like these surveys?:
Tears Are Cool- Teenage Fanclub
its fun to..:
The Glory- Kanye West
what are you going to call this survey?:
Kill The Messenger- Jack's Mannequin