im with both previous comments... if your wondering what parts of the comments... i can almost say "D. all of the above"... but i i honestly care nothing about dave"cheater"5 screan name origin or wah ever his explaination regarding it is... but everything else i fully agree with...
dude some people have diets here... sheesh... tease me why dont u!... *sigh* now im suger craving...
god luck with everything...
and like the cheater sed... have fun!
So, I decided to finally write something. My subscription is over at the end of the month but I'll be back once I get more money from Mr. Mouse. I've been going to the movies a lot lately. I went to go see Push, Wolverine, and Star Trek. I was really into Star Trek. Good job on the cast! I'm planning on going to see... Read More
Over the next couple of hours, I'm gonna be deleting some people off of my friends list on myspace, facebook, aim, yahoo, suicidegirls, and So if you happen to notice tomorrow that you are not my friend... I apologize in advance, but I just don't see whats the use of having any contact with you because either A) I don't talk to you. B)... Read More
I'm finally 21. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
can I just say that I think that my exes have like super powers and can sense when I am feeling vulnerable and then they try to get at me. Thanks assholes.
I'm still alive. Just been super duper busy lately with work.
let's recap. I've work everyday since Dec. 4th and my next day off is on Thursday but Thursday is a kinda special day for because...It's gonna be my 21st birthday! FINALLY! It's here! Now I get to go clubbing at the nice clubs and get wasted legally!
....even though I don't really drink...or party... Read More