What qualities do you like in men?
The qualities I look for in a man are caring, the ability to take responsibility, decency and a sense of humor.
I especially want to hear the answer to the question from @olgakulaga @thejustalice @cutestdemon @headshot @cherrykami @brubs

Honesty, respect and trust……and avoid jealousy at all costs! Respecting yourself first is a must, and by the way you take care (gym - sound mind and body) it seems like you are on the right track!

@lisaberry I thank you so very much for what you have written here. The translation worked perfectly. Hearing your words that it might not actually be my fault for being too kind to be loved, is something that I never thought I would ever hear. You have warmed my heart with the words you have said and I can't thank you enough for saying that. Thank you my dear xx