Hi everyone! Today I want to talk a little about how I even got into Suicide Girls. I watched one model that ran on another platform. Later, I signed up for her and saw that she was also a Suicide Girls model. I was wondering what the site was and what it took to get here. It was need to have tattoos or piercings..
I had a rose tattoo on my stomach (If u want see - u can send me message :D) - which I didn't like and I was ashamed to show it. For this, I had to get a second big tattoo to block the old one.
To be honest, I like to show my sexuality and feminity in pictures! For me, this is something creative, this is one of the ways to convey your individuality, convey your beauty...
It seemed to me that I had something to share here - and I decided! Thank you to all who read me and thank you for your support!
Let's see what happens! :)