Oh man...I don't remember the last time I felt like this much ass. Fuck this having a cold/flu stuff. Lookis like I'll be living on fruit and chicken soup for a few days.
The worst part is missing work. I need to have a certain amount of hours to get past my probation (which is almost up). But there is no way that I can be on the phones with the way I'm feeling. My body aches, my nose is running, and I sound all stubbed ub. Fuck.
Some one send me a magic "chase the flu away" pill.
The worst part is missing work. I need to have a certain amount of hours to get past my probation (which is almost up). But there is no way that I can be on the phones with the way I'm feeling. My body aches, my nose is running, and I sound all stubbed ub. Fuck.
Some one send me a magic "chase the flu away" pill.

When I was in school, 3 years in a row I got bronchitis and amonia at the same time (not fun)