So no Herakles on Friday, but that's okay...sometimes people just need a night to themselves to pick up the week's pieces.
Saturday was pretty good. I had to work a few hours to make up for the time I lost due to the plague, and that kinda sucked, but meh. It was only a few hours. After work, I went and ran around Granville Island again to get some cooking supplies for dinner that night. I swear...the more I go there, the more I realize that I need to make it a weekly occurance. Anyways. Naomi and Josh got back together a couple of weeks ago, and they came over for dinner last night which I pretty much did all the prep, cooking and cleaning for...not that I mind of course.
As for work, looks like I'll be staying put at the 'Smart. They've offered me a pittance raise, but it's enough for now WITH the agreement that there'll be more in 3 months. And, to be perfectly honest, the other place wasn't offering me much more than that, AND I would have to commute 1.5 hours EACH WAY every day. *shudder* I've done that before before I moved out...I'm not anxious to repeat the experience.
Anyways...My brain is being melty now. Time for sleep. I leave you with today's funneh, courtesy of my younger (not littler) brother.

So no Herakles on Friday, but that's okay...sometimes people just need a night to themselves to pick up the week's pieces.

Saturday was pretty good. I had to work a few hours to make up for the time I lost due to the plague, and that kinda sucked, but meh. It was only a few hours. After work, I went and ran around Granville Island again to get some cooking supplies for dinner that night. I swear...the more I go there, the more I realize that I need to make it a weekly occurance. Anyways. Naomi and Josh got back together a couple of weeks ago, and they came over for dinner last night which I pretty much did all the prep, cooking and cleaning for...not that I mind of course.

As for work, looks like I'll be staying put at the 'Smart. They've offered me a pittance raise, but it's enough for now WITH the agreement that there'll be more in 3 months. And, to be perfectly honest, the other place wasn't offering me much more than that, AND I would have to commute 1.5 hours EACH WAY every day. *shudder* I've done that before before I moved out...I'm not anxious to repeat the experience.
Anyways...My brain is being melty now. Time for sleep. I leave you with today's funneh, courtesy of my younger (not littler) brother.

Let me know what you think