Plague day 4. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.
I managed to get though 7 hours at work today before I could feel my temp spike and razorblades in my throat. I went through 3 grande Starbucks-sized travel mugs of tea today, and I must be dehydrated, because the biffy ain't callin'. So far today, food taken in consists of standard, takeout sized bowl of miso and a same-sized bowl of jello. Pretty much the same thing I've eaten since Monday, except it's been chicken noodle up to today.
I just want to stop being broken.
I managed to get though 7 hours at work today before I could feel my temp spike and razorblades in my throat. I went through 3 grande Starbucks-sized travel mugs of tea today, and I must be dehydrated, because the biffy ain't callin'. So far today, food taken in consists of standard, takeout sized bowl of miso and a same-sized bowl of jello. Pretty much the same thing I've eaten since Monday, except it's been chicken noodle up to today.
I just want to stop being broken.

Being sick blows, especially when you can't just take time off and hibernate until it passes. I'm still sending you good thoughts. Remember NyQuil is your friend, and the orange is for wimps, green all the way.
I really hope you feel better soon. If it's strep I can definitely sympathize!
I've been layed low with it with symptoms in addition to the razor bladed throat to 104 temp. and hallucinations ugh it really sucks and the room never stops spinning. My thoughts are with have some
noodle soup I hear it's good for the soul