Helllooo Everyone!
I hope everyone is having a sexy #WetWednesday ! Well I finally got around to writing my first blog on my first set Swelter. Now let me tell you , you all are SO SWEET! I wasn't expecting such a huge response from all of you lovely people and it just made me feel so good and excited to shoot MORE!
So the day we shot it , I woke up super early to meet up with @jennings to audition for a celebrity game show. We showed up at this production sight here in LA and of course, her and I stood out the most because of our crazy hair and tattoos. Everyone looked at us like they already knew we were some weirdos Lol We ended up in a room with all these people , where we had like 30secs to talk about ourselves and convince them we were 'right for the show' which I deep down inside knew I don't know random facts about celebrities Lol The one thing I talked about was The Black Heart Burlesque tour I'm so happy to be apart of and just told them random facts about myself. I felt so pressured! Haha. and Of Course @jennings had it in the bag. That girl can talk about anything! Such A great personality that one has! Anyways , we were not chosen to be on the show , but it was a fun experience and we got to eat awesome food from the food truck outside! I always appreciate a good meal !
Anyways , so i headed to the house to get ready for @milloux to come to shoot me ! I started fixing up my make up and trying to do my crazy hair ! Even though I know my hair has a mind of its own and just does whatever it wants Lol That might answer some of the questions I've gotten about my hair.. The curls are natural . I Literally shower and let it dry and it does this crazy curl action afro and I just call it a day! Lol I got lucky in the hair department .
Once i felt ready i sat around trying to distract my nerves while i waited for the lovely @milloux to arrive! and let me tell you , I was nervous! I've done modeling before , But never nude! I tend to get a little shy about my body so It was definitely different from what i've done before.
I had never met @milloux before and I've heard nothing but GREAT things about her from @jennings and @echosum so I knew i had nothing to worry about. Once she got there she immediately made me feel comfortable. She has such a warm presence to her! I showed her my outfit i had in mind and she loved it! It made me so confident and ready to shoot ! So we went into the bathroom I shot at and just jumped right into and all my emotions and nervous feelings went right out the window! I would do certain poses and she would just get so excited and tell me to hold it. Gosh this girl has so much passion in what she does and it truly does show in her work. So Talented!
So fun little fact about my shoot , once I started using the water things got funny. The water was either FREEZING cold and ridiculously HOT! If you go and look at my set you can see on my leg some of my skin towards to end in turning red like my hair ! Lol because the water got so HOT! So funny..I did everything in my power not to let it show on my face! Lol how did i do? Can you tell? Haha
Well my first set was a success and I'm so happy i did it and better yet that all of you enjoy it<3
I will be making prints and posters of that set soon so if anyone is interested go ahead and shoot me a message :D ill be setting my etsy today!
Thanks for all the love and support , I can't wait to share more sets with you all!