simple things seem to be so hard for me. honestly, it really shouldn't be that hard uploading pictures. i finally thought it would work when i changed the size and quality on the camera itself. however, even at the lowest settings only about 5 pictures out of like 20 were under 100kB. i really don't understand that stuff! whatever, i got three pics up tonight, so i guess that'll do for now.
i actually thought that for once i was going to go out and have some fun tonight, instead of sitting at home doing nothing and wasting my life away. i guess not though! i met this new friend at work and she was going to take me out with her and some of her friends to this gay bar she could get me into. i was so excited cuz i had never been to one before and always wanted to. and it was cool that i actually met someone for once, cuz i rarely meet new people. at least not hanging outside of work or school or anything. but anyways, she never ended up calling me today and she didn't answer when i called her. oh well, i guess there's always another thursday that we could go, maybe
i can't wait until RENT comes out. i'm sooooo excited. it better own up the actual broadway play. i'm also excited for rosario dawson to be in it. and its also cool that the original maureen in the play is going to be in the movie. so hopefully it will be as good as the play! please please please! i really need to start going to my morning classes. i'm actually worried this semester that i might fail one of my classes! 9:30 really should not be too early....but apparently it is for me. i really think that i have serious sleeping problems. i think that i could honestly say that i could sleep all night and all the next day and still be tired when i got up (if i actually did get up). lately i feel like i have no motivation for anything. and i'm sooo lazy sometimes, its kind of sad. so about this class that i'm going to fail. its really a stupid class, called "caves and caving" which is just to fill a requirement, so its not really important for me but i still have to pass it. the first exam i think i got a D on. i think it was 62% and no curve. so i failed that one. then there are 2 more exams. the second one is on monday! this one based only on the notes we took in class....and yeh.... i went to like half the classes. this is a really REALLY bad habit that i aquired. i never used to be like this. yeh, i know i should maybe just drop the class before i fail it, but then there goes all that money for nothing! i don't think i could afford that. i emailed some of the people in my class (and i know none of them, haha) to see if they would let me see there notes from last week. i don't know, maybe someone would be nice...we'll just have to see.
ok, enough of the horrible stuff about me (and there is so much more...
) lets see...anything positive i can talk about?
wow, is it really that hard to find something positive in my life? i really like one of my classes, which i guess is a good thing, lol. its my lesbian literature class. we just finished reading Stone Buch Blues the other week. and wow, that was an amazing book! i definitly recomend it to read it!!!! i would explain what its about but i can never really summarize books too well. so you can just go and read it, ok? ok. think positive liz! hmmm, i like my new digital camera! although it has also been frustrating me with the whole pic thing. winter break is comng up! ummm, what else.... i was thinking about studying abroad next semester, to like India or Argintina, or somewhere. there's this awesome program for India, it would be sooooo amazing. but it was rediculously expensive. even if i did get loans for it, i wouldn't want to be burdend with all of that to pay back. where i would really like to go is to Brazil. i took this class on the African presence in Brazil last semester, which really got me interested. did you know that about 75% of the population is considered to be at least partially Afro-Brazilian? however, there aren't very many university programs for studying abroad in Brazil
hmmmm, i've written a lot! i think i'll stop for now. maybe i'll go write my paper now, get it over with. lets not procrastinate this time. ha! we'll see about that!
i actually thought that for once i was going to go out and have some fun tonight, instead of sitting at home doing nothing and wasting my life away. i guess not though! i met this new friend at work and she was going to take me out with her and some of her friends to this gay bar she could get me into. i was so excited cuz i had never been to one before and always wanted to. and it was cool that i actually met someone for once, cuz i rarely meet new people. at least not hanging outside of work or school or anything. but anyways, she never ended up calling me today and she didn't answer when i called her. oh well, i guess there's always another thursday that we could go, maybe

i can't wait until RENT comes out. i'm sooooo excited. it better own up the actual broadway play. i'm also excited for rosario dawson to be in it. and its also cool that the original maureen in the play is going to be in the movie. so hopefully it will be as good as the play! please please please! i really need to start going to my morning classes. i'm actually worried this semester that i might fail one of my classes! 9:30 really should not be too early....but apparently it is for me. i really think that i have serious sleeping problems. i think that i could honestly say that i could sleep all night and all the next day and still be tired when i got up (if i actually did get up). lately i feel like i have no motivation for anything. and i'm sooo lazy sometimes, its kind of sad. so about this class that i'm going to fail. its really a stupid class, called "caves and caving" which is just to fill a requirement, so its not really important for me but i still have to pass it. the first exam i think i got a D on. i think it was 62% and no curve. so i failed that one. then there are 2 more exams. the second one is on monday! this one based only on the notes we took in class....and yeh.... i went to like half the classes. this is a really REALLY bad habit that i aquired. i never used to be like this. yeh, i know i should maybe just drop the class before i fail it, but then there goes all that money for nothing! i don't think i could afford that. i emailed some of the people in my class (and i know none of them, haha) to see if they would let me see there notes from last week. i don't know, maybe someone would be nice...we'll just have to see.
ok, enough of the horrible stuff about me (and there is so much more...

wow, is it really that hard to find something positive in my life? i really like one of my classes, which i guess is a good thing, lol. its my lesbian literature class. we just finished reading Stone Buch Blues the other week. and wow, that was an amazing book! i definitly recomend it to read it!!!! i would explain what its about but i can never really summarize books too well. so you can just go and read it, ok? ok. think positive liz! hmmm, i like my new digital camera! although it has also been frustrating me with the whole pic thing. winter break is comng up! ummm, what else.... i was thinking about studying abroad next semester, to like India or Argintina, or somewhere. there's this awesome program for India, it would be sooooo amazing. but it was rediculously expensive. even if i did get loans for it, i wouldn't want to be burdend with all of that to pay back. where i would really like to go is to Brazil. i took this class on the African presence in Brazil last semester, which really got me interested. did you know that about 75% of the population is considered to be at least partially Afro-Brazilian? however, there aren't very many university programs for studying abroad in Brazil

hmmmm, i've written a lot! i think i'll stop for now. maybe i'll go write my paper now, get it over with. lets not procrastinate this time. ha! we'll see about that!