Ex girlfriend back in town. We've been having fun, hanging out a great time together. It just bothers me how she can be absolutely clueless about everything....like some people just get eachother. We've been friends for 7 years soo we just GET eachother.
I'm a bastard...I'm the greatest guy in the world now, but when I was with her I was just a bad person....
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I'm a bastard...I'm the greatest guy in the world now, but when I was with her I was just a bad person....
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I'll join LA fitness, I'm feeling too listless lately. Although I don't have a bit of pudge on my whole body apparently I'm outa shape, buncha jerks. I'm gonna look like Brad Pitt in a month soo watch out for HOT PICS!!! yeah not really but whatever.
I'll join LA fitness, I'm feeling too listless lately. Although I don't have a bit of pudge on my whole body apparently I'm outa shape, buncha jerks. I'm gonna look like Brad Pitt in a month soo watch out for HOT PICS!!! yeah not really but whatever.
Yay I gots me a PSP, and I only own my friend $200. FUCK!!! Oh well I've got National Cup and a UCLA tournament in the coming weeks soo I'll get more then enough money to repay that jerk.
This summer I've discovered to graduate in the time I want to I'll be taking Two summer school semesters. For a grand total of ONE WEEK...
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This summer I've discovered to graduate in the time I want to I'll be taking Two summer school semesters. For a grand total of ONE WEEK...
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i still dont know why you consider them emo cause of the emo-ish fanbase shit.
i just say burn them all.
i just say burn them all.
theyre not headed my way
GUH, school really sucks right now, but I'm still working my ass off at it. Starting to get back into music, I've succesfully become awesome at drums, so now I've gotta start with the guitar. In other news UC Santa Cruz has started a Video Game major from the Computer Science section. Talk about awesome, soo I'm definitely heading to that.
Well I love the guitar in Testament and I love Death but Id like to do something a bit different I think it will be epic Death metal so a mix of heavy and melodic guitar parts but the vocals and drums will be brutal all the way through my boyfriend says he will play guitar with me even though he has a band, he might do vocals too

Haha, no, I would have been 15, I think. 2002, no?
Just updating my journal cause it felt right. "Singles Awareness Day" came and went with no love for me, but eh I don't mind I've got books. What I do mind though is all my friends being busy all the time, and having no time to chill. Oh well such is life, later.
Oh no trauma (as far as I can remember!) Im not really obsessed, just intrigued. Its often in a scientific way and the things i find are so beautiful, it gives you a chance to study them in the highest detail you can. Something you would never get the chance to do if they were alive.

fine, the music I like is on my profile
WOW we're finally in 2005..and I'm back in college looking at math that I could've passed 6 years ago. I'm sooo pissed I didn't do anything in high school or college in the past two years. OH and as for the past journal of "Merry Fucking Christmas", well it was a Fucking Christmas for me since I got laid...by my ex-girlfriend...who 5 days later had...
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Ya know women always whine about what assholes guys are....well I consider myself a really nice guy....soo why do girls treat me like shit and chase assholes like no tomorro
Merry Fucking Christmas!
actually... not exactly a loved one betraying me. well sort of. more like an ex-boyfriend, betraying me once again, and me being disappointed that crappy boyfriends turn into crappy friends.
i am sorry to hear hint of your situation but appreciate your positive outlook on things.
i am sorry to hear hint of your situation but appreciate your positive outlook on things.
no pics of my lover and me cause we broke up.... and i dont have a new one yet... why you avaliable

Hey YO! Any of you might have noticed, Bathory one of my favorite Suicide's has a new set up. We've been waiting forever and it looks really Sweet, people check it out. Anywho lots of new stuff is gonna be going on, Halo 2 coming out, Gay Marriage Ban amendment. I'm planning a Trip to WASHINGTON D.C. for the Inagurating of Bush to go there...
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yes yes, i did that cuz i have a buttload of fave movies and they wont all fit in the little space thats given so i figured anybody whos super cool like us and really knows will recognize the meat popsicle thingy 

thanks for the comment. come visit again!
~ the angel*
thanks for the comment. come visit again!
~ the angel*

Well as the headlines say in a British newspaper "Doh! 4 more years of Dubya" Can't say I'm not dissapointed, 59 million people in middle america are less informed then the rest of the world. I have a back up plan though, I'm moving to Canada, anybody who wants to is totally willing to come, I have friends there and I'm sure SG's have other...
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if that man gets my little brother or my boyfriends little brothers or any of their friends killed in a war that didnt have to be started i am gonna raise some hell.
but he's not gonna scare me out of my country.
im gonna stay here and fight
we have 4 years to rally the country into getting a dem in office
lets get busy.

but he's not gonna scare me out of my country.
im gonna stay here and fight
we have 4 years to rally the country into getting a dem in office
lets get busy.
everyone at work (which includes my dad) voted bush
even my mom voted bush
its awful
what happened to the southern democrats?
fucking republicans
(i have spent the past week arguing with my mother and a girl at work, it gets ugly :x)
even my mom voted bush
its awful
what happened to the southern democrats?
fucking republicans
(i have spent the past week arguing with my mother and a girl at work, it gets ugly :x)
OK Here goes....Broke up with Girlfriend, moved back to LA, got new job, dropped out a school to take break. Had life changing expierence am no longer depressed and showing it. Also just bought the sexy new PSTwo, not doing much in the love life sector cause I'm too damn shy. Other then that I'm just sitting here so what are you waiting for IM...
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yeah, i only like friends that buy me presents.
just kidding, most of my friends are cheapos.
just kidding, most of my friends are cheapos.
haha, we had a BLAST!
no, sadly i did not vote
my roommate forgot to send in my reg card and i couldnt
not like it would have made a difference
nc was gonna go to bush either way
no, sadly i did not vote

my roommate forgot to send in my reg card and i couldnt
not like it would have made a difference
nc was gonna go to bush either way
Happy 4th of July Ya'll. Its time to celebrate our independence from an Occupying force 228 years ago. Hopefully IRAQ can kick us out of the country and celebrate there independence for the FIRST TIME. God BLESS AMERICA. I wonder how proud we'd be of our country if France Freed us and then left there army here to control us. Hmm they'd probably be welcomed...
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Happy Birthday, dude!! Cool SG name!!

Man this is Crazy, I just re-newed my subscription. Even though I told a friend whose joining the site I wouldn't, I got to thinking I missed this place too damn much. Anyways people whats up, well I'm in a new apartment. Work every freaking day, exept wednesday. Not going to school even though I should cause its the only way I'll succeed. And I broke up with my Girlfriend from Santa Cruz so I'm back in Southern Cali. Peace, lemme know whats new around here, besides all the millions of new suicide girls
OOOOK, I've got the house all to myself for an ENTIRE week. And I don't do ANYTHING but stay up late, feed the freaking fat ass cat. Hang out with the same goddamn friends everyday, play video games. Fuck it I really got to get some new friends and GO OUT Places. SO Whoever you are RESCUE ME FROM MY BORING ASS.
You're quite charming.