I've been thinking more and more that time is coming for a change. Not sure exactly what type of change is needed, but I am thinking that something should be different this time next year.
Roommates/landlords are planning on getting married in a year or so. By that time, I hope to not be living with them anymore. Don't get me wrong; I totally enjoy living here, and I do not know where I would be if this opportunity had not presented itself. And yet, I yearn for something else now. A place of my own again, or at least, a place where I am not simply renting a room in a house from a couple. Problem is, I need concrete monetary security in order to even think about such a drastic change. But all things happen for a reason, and they happen when they are supposed to happen. There's no going back or trying to dramatically alter the path once everything is set in motion.
Right now I am still awaiting a job opportunity to open up. One that I'll actually be invited to interview for. Sending applications day-after-day can get repetitive fast. Also helps to lose focus if one keeps receiving emails stating that they are not qualified for the position and thus, do not meet the basic minimum requirements. Ahhhh well....
Hopefully by the time I have graduated (sweet!) by May 2012, I will have set up for myself a more stable path. Still heavily considering the Navy Reserve. Extra training, extra pay, benefits, experiences. Just have to keep the knee in shape and all should be good to go.
Spent the entire day sitting in an auto shop's customer waiting room watching a national news network repeat footage of the East Coast's hurricane. Now I know every detail of the storm information for the day. Tomorrow I'll have to keep myself updated even more by gluing myself back to the screen.
Or not.
Tomorrow is San Diego for the weekend.
The planet never stops moving.
Oh, I'm also really horny.
Roommates/landlords are planning on getting married in a year or so. By that time, I hope to not be living with them anymore. Don't get me wrong; I totally enjoy living here, and I do not know where I would be if this opportunity had not presented itself. And yet, I yearn for something else now. A place of my own again, or at least, a place where I am not simply renting a room in a house from a couple. Problem is, I need concrete monetary security in order to even think about such a drastic change. But all things happen for a reason, and they happen when they are supposed to happen. There's no going back or trying to dramatically alter the path once everything is set in motion.
Right now I am still awaiting a job opportunity to open up. One that I'll actually be invited to interview for. Sending applications day-after-day can get repetitive fast. Also helps to lose focus if one keeps receiving emails stating that they are not qualified for the position and thus, do not meet the basic minimum requirements. Ahhhh well....
Hopefully by the time I have graduated (sweet!) by May 2012, I will have set up for myself a more stable path. Still heavily considering the Navy Reserve. Extra training, extra pay, benefits, experiences. Just have to keep the knee in shape and all should be good to go.
Spent the entire day sitting in an auto shop's customer waiting room watching a national news network repeat footage of the East Coast's hurricane. Now I know every detail of the storm information for the day. Tomorrow I'll have to keep myself updated even more by gluing myself back to the screen.
Or not.
Tomorrow is San Diego for the weekend.
The planet never stops moving.
Oh, I'm also really horny.