Summer Vacation!
That's right girls and boys, it's that time of the year again! The time when another semester of class is over and done with, and 2 1/2 months of freedom sets in!
So what have I been doing mostly during this amazing time off from school you may ask??
Work. Lots and lots of work.
I've done two straight weeks of overtime and I'm dying.
My basic weekly schedule for the past two weeks:
Monday-Friday: wake up at 3am, in Anaheim by 4:15am.
unload semi's until about 7:30am.
drive back home, shave, and sleep for a few hours until about noon.
wake up, eat a quick lunch, at machine shop by 1pm.
maintenance machines, clean area until about 4pm.
eat dinner, then leave Ontario for Anaheim by 5pm.
in Anaheim again working main job until about midnight or so.
drive home and be asleep by 12:40 or so.
wake up at 3am and repeat.
End result== TIRED!!!
Working 40 hours or so at one job, 20 at another is killing me, and so, I've decided to no longer work overtime. Even though the pay was nice, its just not worth driving over 140 miles a week and filling my car up every few days. Plus the no sleep is a big factor too
So this past week, not working overtime has been.. AMAZING!
I got to catch up on some niiiiice sleep- no more fights with the SandMan!
Plus during the day, when I don't work, it's cool to just be able to do whatever I want.
So I hang out in the pool, run/bike a few miles, do some errands, anything.
Went to Castroville a few weeks ago for the annual Artichoke Festival. It was so much fun!! Took a wrong turn on the way up and ended up taking a tour of Fresno, but we still got to the festival in time. Castroville was kinda run-down, but the festival was interesting. I had no idea you could make cupcakes out of artichokes.. And they are delicious by the way!
My friends created a scene from Castaway using artichokes and other miscellaneous vegetables and fruits. They won 2nd place, gaining $300, so that was cool for them.
The next day we drove down to Monterey and visited the Aquarium, which is always really fun.
I haven't been in a few years, and everytime I go, there's something new.
We toured Cannery Row for a bit, rented bikes, and just cruised around the beaches for the day.
Memorial Day weekend I tried to set up a bar b que at my place, but no one was really able to show up, save me, my roommate, and two friends. So we ate and drank it all for ourselves! At least we had no worry of running out of food!
That Monday, went down to Hollywood again, this time to show some friends that had never been. We of course saw the Chinese Theatre and it's hands and feet, along with the crazy fun characters that have made that place an..interesting destination. Walked through some of the shops and touched things in the high-end stores. After finding the small and hidden entrance to Mel's Diner, we took the subway over to Universal, and after taking our pictures in front of the Universal Building, we headed right back. Hahaha no way we were walking up the hill to see more crowds and restaurants!
Friday, met up with some old friends from high school and we went to a karaoke bar, my first time ever singing in public. At first the place had like five people in it, including us, but eventually it filled up. Didn't get home until 4 or so, throat all sore from amazing renditions of Bohemian Rhapsody, Ring of Fire, Heart of Glass, and others.
Last Saturday, drove up to Vegas for a quick day business trip. Went to my roommates dad's home to pick up a nice, huge leather couch, for free, that he said we could have, as he is moving to an apartment and will have no room for it. What should have taken a few hours at most took an entire day. I ended up coming back down to SoCal via my roommate's oldest brother. He's moving back down here after five years in Vegas to try and find a job. Good luck man.. On the way down, he called about six different times by people down here wondering if was going to stop by. Dude is popular! So we ended up going to a party at 1 or so, and didn't get home until around 5:30 or so the next morning. Good times
Got in a car accident on the freeway..again. Now my car is sitting in the parking lot waiting for tomorrow when I can take it to the body shop and have it fixed. This time is must be paid cash only, no insurance must have knowledge, because I cannot have those rates go up anymore. Blerg!!
So now I'm stranded without a car, or at least not one that I want to drive around in..
Ohhhh!!! Saw Terminator and Star Trek last weekend, one after the other. Conclusion: Badass movies!! Star Trek was hilarious and the effects were beautiful. Nimoy was great, but then he's amazing. Terminator was really good too; can't wait for the second one in the Bale trilogy to come out.
That's right girls and boys, it's that time of the year again! The time when another semester of class is over and done with, and 2 1/2 months of freedom sets in!
So what have I been doing mostly during this amazing time off from school you may ask??
Work. Lots and lots of work.
I've done two straight weeks of overtime and I'm dying.
My basic weekly schedule for the past two weeks:
Monday-Friday: wake up at 3am, in Anaheim by 4:15am.
unload semi's until about 7:30am.
drive back home, shave, and sleep for a few hours until about noon.
wake up, eat a quick lunch, at machine shop by 1pm.
maintenance machines, clean area until about 4pm.
eat dinner, then leave Ontario for Anaheim by 5pm.
in Anaheim again working main job until about midnight or so.
drive home and be asleep by 12:40 or so.
wake up at 3am and repeat.
End result== TIRED!!!
Working 40 hours or so at one job, 20 at another is killing me, and so, I've decided to no longer work overtime. Even though the pay was nice, its just not worth driving over 140 miles a week and filling my car up every few days. Plus the no sleep is a big factor too

So this past week, not working overtime has been.. AMAZING!

I got to catch up on some niiiiice sleep- no more fights with the SandMan!
Plus during the day, when I don't work, it's cool to just be able to do whatever I want.
So I hang out in the pool, run/bike a few miles, do some errands, anything.
Went to Castroville a few weeks ago for the annual Artichoke Festival. It was so much fun!! Took a wrong turn on the way up and ended up taking a tour of Fresno, but we still got to the festival in time. Castroville was kinda run-down, but the festival was interesting. I had no idea you could make cupcakes out of artichokes.. And they are delicious by the way!

My friends created a scene from Castaway using artichokes and other miscellaneous vegetables and fruits. They won 2nd place, gaining $300, so that was cool for them.
The next day we drove down to Monterey and visited the Aquarium, which is always really fun.
I haven't been in a few years, and everytime I go, there's something new.
We toured Cannery Row for a bit, rented bikes, and just cruised around the beaches for the day.

Memorial Day weekend I tried to set up a bar b que at my place, but no one was really able to show up, save me, my roommate, and two friends. So we ate and drank it all for ourselves! At least we had no worry of running out of food!

That Monday, went down to Hollywood again, this time to show some friends that had never been. We of course saw the Chinese Theatre and it's hands and feet, along with the crazy fun characters that have made that place an..interesting destination. Walked through some of the shops and touched things in the high-end stores. After finding the small and hidden entrance to Mel's Diner, we took the subway over to Universal, and after taking our pictures in front of the Universal Building, we headed right back. Hahaha no way we were walking up the hill to see more crowds and restaurants!

Friday, met up with some old friends from high school and we went to a karaoke bar, my first time ever singing in public. At first the place had like five people in it, including us, but eventually it filled up. Didn't get home until 4 or so, throat all sore from amazing renditions of Bohemian Rhapsody, Ring of Fire, Heart of Glass, and others.
Last Saturday, drove up to Vegas for a quick day business trip. Went to my roommates dad's home to pick up a nice, huge leather couch, for free, that he said we could have, as he is moving to an apartment and will have no room for it. What should have taken a few hours at most took an entire day. I ended up coming back down to SoCal via my roommate's oldest brother. He's moving back down here after five years in Vegas to try and find a job. Good luck man.. On the way down, he called about six different times by people down here wondering if was going to stop by. Dude is popular! So we ended up going to a party at 1 or so, and didn't get home until around 5:30 or so the next morning. Good times

Got in a car accident on the freeway..again. Now my car is sitting in the parking lot waiting for tomorrow when I can take it to the body shop and have it fixed. This time is must be paid cash only, no insurance must have knowledge, because I cannot have those rates go up anymore. Blerg!!

Ohhhh!!! Saw Terminator and Star Trek last weekend, one after the other. Conclusion: Badass movies!! Star Trek was hilarious and the effects were beautiful. Nimoy was great, but then he's amazing. Terminator was really good too; can't wait for the second one in the Bale trilogy to come out.