It's Raining!!!!
Oh wait it just stopped.
No! There it goes again.

Read, read, read.. That's all I've been doing today. That and cash a check, eat some lunch, warm self by oven (explain in a second), write email to worried grandparents, browse internet thing, contemplate dancing in rain, do so anyway, come inside freezing, take hot shower with lovely, wish lovely good luck in driving in rain, sit back down at computer, think about work in a few hours and the drive to Orange County.
Moved to a new place recently. Like on New Years Day recent. Really high class complex next to Ontario Mills. Only thing is that the heating system just up and decided to commit suicide during the one cold spell! Management has been working on it for a while now. So its been about 62 degrees in my apartment for the past 8-9 days or so. Good times.
What is this 'Intro to Logic'?? And why am I taking it again? Strange class..
Oh man- I have some of the funniest professors this semester. Drugs and Society class for example:
Professor, mid 50's, Doctor/Prof of drugs and rehab, works in hospital part-time, straight-to-the-point-looking guy. Comes in class 10 min. late, on the dot- "Oh man I loooove Classic Rock, R&B, Motown, some of that old stuff!!! OHHHHHH!!!! Yea!! (Flashes thumbs-up to class) Pat Benatar, Earth Wind and Fire Ohhh YEAAA!!! I crank it up in my car!! OHHHHH!!!" This guy is hilarious
Layoff's abound at work. Luckily I'm safe; I've been there long enough and work hard enough that I'm a good asset to have around, plus with union regulations, it's difficult for corporate to do much of anything to the non-managerial employees.
Valentine's Day! Haha funner than I thought it would be! After a day of nothing much, me and three others went to Ruby Tuesday's. As soon as we sat down, the waitress comes up and goes "Wow you guys are having fun!" I guess we were all laughing (like always) but it was a bit unexpected there for some reason..
Drank some, ate some, had a blast and a half! While I was in the restroom, my friend asked the supercute waitress for her number for me. I sat down and was way surprised when she gave it to me in a little note attached to the bill.
I'm Super-nervous right now.
I do not want to screw this up. She seemed really cool/nice/cute and apparently was really flattered that I thought so.. Call her soon..
Raining again. Hope the traffic isn't too bad. I wonder what time I should leave?
Maybe I should get back to reading some more textbooks...
It's Raining!!!!
Oh wait it just stopped.
No! There it goes again.

Read, read, read.. That's all I've been doing today. That and cash a check, eat some lunch, warm self by oven (explain in a second), write email to worried grandparents, browse internet thing, contemplate dancing in rain, do so anyway, come inside freezing, take hot shower with lovely, wish lovely good luck in driving in rain, sit back down at computer, think about work in a few hours and the drive to Orange County.
Moved to a new place recently. Like on New Years Day recent. Really high class complex next to Ontario Mills. Only thing is that the heating system just up and decided to commit suicide during the one cold spell! Management has been working on it for a while now. So its been about 62 degrees in my apartment for the past 8-9 days or so. Good times.

What is this 'Intro to Logic'?? And why am I taking it again? Strange class..
Oh man- I have some of the funniest professors this semester. Drugs and Society class for example:
Professor, mid 50's, Doctor/Prof of drugs and rehab, works in hospital part-time, straight-to-the-point-looking guy. Comes in class 10 min. late, on the dot- "Oh man I loooove Classic Rock, R&B, Motown, some of that old stuff!!! OHHHHHH!!!! Yea!! (Flashes thumbs-up to class) Pat Benatar, Earth Wind and Fire Ohhh YEAAA!!! I crank it up in my car!! OHHHHH!!!" This guy is hilarious

Layoff's abound at work. Luckily I'm safe; I've been there long enough and work hard enough that I'm a good asset to have around, plus with union regulations, it's difficult for corporate to do much of anything to the non-managerial employees.
Valentine's Day! Haha funner than I thought it would be! After a day of nothing much, me and three others went to Ruby Tuesday's. As soon as we sat down, the waitress comes up and goes "Wow you guys are having fun!" I guess we were all laughing (like always) but it was a bit unexpected there for some reason..
Drank some, ate some, had a blast and a half! While I was in the restroom, my friend asked the supercute waitress for her number for me. I sat down and was way surprised when she gave it to me in a little note attached to the bill.
I'm Super-nervous right now.

Raining again. Hope the traffic isn't too bad. I wonder what time I should leave?
Maybe I should get back to reading some more textbooks...

i love it when it rains here, cleans our damn air, god knows we need that 

Haha, YES. One of the best scenes from VB season 3, for sure!