I feel like I did absolutely nothing this whole weekend!
Hate that feeling.. but whatever, it was semi-relaxing I guess.
Now I just have to study like crazy: exam tomorrow and I have no idea what was going on in class.
My roommate and I went looking at some new apartments yesterday. We looked at some really classy places and wow! The two of us definitely can't afford them by ourselves, but hopefully his brother will be moving down from Vegas soon, so it'll be three people living together instead of just two. See how it goes!
Can't believe those fires! My friend was stuck in Fullerton for like 6 hours 'cause of all the traffic and detouring. Laaame! I live in Upland and I could actually see the fires from my apartment balcony..
Keep hearing some extremely loud slams coming from downstairs. Sounds like someone keeps dropping a piano or something. Roommate and I spent like an hour last night coming up with what it could be hah!
Oh man! Registered and paid for next semester- rates went up again!! Gahh!!! I actually had to ask my parents for loan.. Felt so embarrassed when I stopped by the house to pick up the check. But I'll pay them back soon, so its all good.
Down to studying and the therapy and laundry later on before work tonight!

* The "Z" key has started to become verrry rebellious..
Hate that feeling.. but whatever, it was semi-relaxing I guess.
Now I just have to study like crazy: exam tomorrow and I have no idea what was going on in class.
My roommate and I went looking at some new apartments yesterday. We looked at some really classy places and wow! The two of us definitely can't afford them by ourselves, but hopefully his brother will be moving down from Vegas soon, so it'll be three people living together instead of just two. See how it goes!
Can't believe those fires! My friend was stuck in Fullerton for like 6 hours 'cause of all the traffic and detouring. Laaame! I live in Upland and I could actually see the fires from my apartment balcony..
Keep hearing some extremely loud slams coming from downstairs. Sounds like someone keeps dropping a piano or something. Roommate and I spent like an hour last night coming up with what it could be hah!
Oh man! Registered and paid for next semester- rates went up again!! Gahh!!! I actually had to ask my parents for loan.. Felt so embarrassed when I stopped by the house to pick up the check. But I'll pay them back soon, so its all good.
Down to studying and the therapy and laundry later on before work tonight!

* The "Z" key has started to become verrry rebellious..

I'm glad you like my new set, thank you!