I am so very excited to announce that I will be performing the Bed of Nails very soon. Only practicing right now, but very shortly, (should all go well) I will be putting my body in harms way for the entertainment of others.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009
Wow I have been very busy. I just got home from a tremendous weekend … -
Monday Jun 22, 2009
This has been a great week, soo much better than the one before. I am… -
Sunday Jun 14, 2009
Wow I am glad this weekend is over with. It all got started Friday n… -
Wednesday Jun 10, 2009
I just recently discovered this song and now it is one of my favorite… -
Monday Jun 08, 2009
When the routine of life suddenly changes alot of good can come from… -
Saturday Jun 06, 2009
Well I just got home from the International Chili Society New Hampsh… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
So apperently I am not going to do a thought every day. But I will po… -
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Today's thought, and I know i got this from some stand-up comedian bu… -
Monday Jun 01, 2009
So...I managed to dislocate my elbow while at the batting cages. … -
Sunday May 31, 2009
My interesting thought for the day...Why do they prevent people on…