When the routine of life suddenly changes alot of good can come from it. Many times it will provide you with a fresh start, as with a change in career, or just even a change so small as to work on something difffernt for awhile. As I look back over the past couple of months I see how I have become a better person through... Read More
Well I just got home from the International Chili Society New Hampshire Chili cook-off. It was amazing. I was one of the judges for this event. We had 8 salsas, 8 Green Chilis or Chili Verdais, and 15 Red Chilis to taste. All of the competitors were very good and it was tough to narrow them down to the top three for each division. I... Read More
Honey, you just have to buy one and get all the important informations how to handle them and how to give them a nice place to live....And one good thing about snakes is: you dont have to feed them each day (only each 3-4 month, if you have no problem to give them alive mice or rats as food) and you dont have to "walk the snake"
really...you can go on vecation for 2 weeks and the snake still will be fine
So apperently I am not going to do a thought every day. But I will post a new one every now and then. Right now I am just trying to strengthen my elbow back up so I can get back into playing softball. I am so happy to have ended this week of work. It has been rough but I am sure everyone knows what... Read More
Today's thought, and I know i got this from some stand-up comedian but I can't remember who at the moment: If the Professor on Guilligan's Island is smart enough to make a radio out of coconuts, then why oh why can't he figure out how to fix a boat???
So...I managed to dislocate my elbow while at the batting cages. Man did that ever suck!!! It took almost an hour for the ibuprophen to reduce the swelling and allow the join to shift back into place. Its all good now, but I had better be careful the next time I get on the field.
Well since joining this site I have found something new to me each day and I love it. Everyone I am meeting in the chatrooms and on profiles are so much fun to chat with, and the pics are beautiful. I don't think I am ever going to leave this place.
Well this should end up fun for my first blog entry, lol. I know it is a little out of season but here we go anyways.
I have to say that I am sick of hearing all these people complain about "being offended" by the least little things. Most of those things have something to do with religion. First of all, I don't care what... Read More