"breaking down from every insult that you've taken
from one sided conversations
Burning out from all the minor misconceptions
that just play out on your frustrations
your self doubt has your head so turned around
there's not a catch phrase that can save you
and it's not that hard to figure out
dissappointment doesn't have to cut to a commerical now." - Less Than Jake
alrighty then, enough of that shit,

(not really).
I was walking down the stairs right, which isn't bad, when suddenly WHAM, a twenty pound comp tower cracks me square in the back, i go flyin' into the retarded baby gate (stupid dumbass dog). so there i am ready to die, when the tower catches up with me and lands on my fat ass. OW! My father...the clumbsy asshole.

i think i'll take some asprin and lay down.