what a lame start to my day off, fisrt im woken up by a fucking chainsaw at 8:30 now as im deleting stuff from my old computer and trying to transfer things to my new one i find that one of my favorite stories i have written and i believe that i only have it saved on my computer and no where else
and now i have it saved on a disk that wont open the file. this sucks
what a lame start to my day off, fisrt im woken up by a fucking chainsaw at 8:30 now as im deleting stuff from my old computer and trying to transfer things to my new one i find that one of my favorite stories i have written and i believe that i only have it saved on my computer and no where else

an shits just waiting to go i amcool,i just want like a part time job for 2weeks to get by,then back tobustin my ass,this is a slow time for contruction,ya know.but damn i love blow jobs, had one the other week by this whie supremisist chick {who is half meican!!!!she has a swastika on her legLMAO} an she gave the worst fucking head i ever got inmy life....... damn.never again,.
??can i come up if so an try that out!!! i give lots of "input"