well its been awhile since i posted anything. i met a girl smile umm shes pregnant now. so yeah im gonna be a daddy. i love her to death and i could not be happier. cant wait to see her again. she comes back this tuesday to visit me for a week then has to head back home. still working nights. still goin to local shows....
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Wow big news in such a short blog.. Congrats I am so happy that you are happy. biggrin
so yeah nothing much has been goin on with me as usual..
moving out of my moms soon. prolly by christmas..
been doin the same as always. workin, workin out and keepin busy.
excited about thanksgiving. cause i get to see my family.
well i really dont know what else to put in here so


Happy Birthday!
in case you've been living under a rock, my DETROIT TIGERS!!!
(yes the detroit tigers who lost 119 games last year)
are goin to the world series..i know you people may not care
but im excited cause ive seen every championship won in my state
besides the super bowl but lets stop kidding ourselves on that one.

been goin to the gym 3 hours a...
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so its been what seems like a month since ive been on this thing...usual shit has been goin on like always...workin 8 hours, sometimes 12...workin out 2 hours after working for 8 or 12 hours, never sleeping, and hardly eating is never good. Goin to alot more local shows which is good..got to see the devil wears prada which they are bad ass..

Been representing...
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I don't say Detroit is bad because other ppl say it is. I say it's bad cuz I KNOW it is. I've been there countless times. It's one big ghetto and something bad always happens to me or someone I know there.

so i havent updated in awhile...same shits been goin on like always, workin, workin out, and sleepin. along with local shows and football games. goin to an atreyu concert on november 3rd, and goin to avenged sevenfold concert september 16th, then a fatal demise concert september 17th.

other then that my life is boring like always. well hope everyone is doing ok
sup dude? ive never seen anyone with the end of their tongue pierced like that. interesting.
what to write in this thing..ive been away for a couple days cause ive locked myself in my room and have done nothing but play drums and learn the guitar (which isnt as hard as i thought) been listening to alot of avenged sevenfold and atreyu, lil bit of ozzy and queen (dont ask) other then that life is the same. i go to work....
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sorry for the lack of posting guys...
been in some serious pain due to work..
nothing exciting has happened in my life..
went to a local show last night at the myspace cafe!
Morello kicked ass...there from Dublin, Ireland
and A Fatal Demise was awesome as always
well thats all for now..i gotta get ready for work

*have a great week everyone* biggrin
well how do i start this off without saying that the Detroit Tigers fucking rock!!

went to my first tigers game in over a year and it was one to remember
started off rocky when rodgers gave up two home runs to make the score 3-0
tigers didnt score till i believe the 5th inning with a home run by thames
ended up rallying back...
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ok so that concert i went to was on monday..i havent posted anything about it yet cause ive been sick ever since the concert..
the concert was awesome..a fatal demise was first and started off sweet as fuck.
the next bands were ok but not that good.
Corsets are Cages came on and holy shit i dont know how i didnt hear them before that...
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