My new avatar is that of Rudi Gernreich's famous swimsuit designs. My old avatar was a demo of an inclined plane-- one of the simple machines to which my name refers- NOT that any of you care of course. I just thought my pic needed a bit snazzing up
I saw a pic of a model wearing this in Life magazine when I was young and impressionable. I though and still think it's beautiful on so many levels. So many levels...

I saw a pic of a model wearing this in Life magazine when I was young and impressionable. I though and still think it's beautiful on so many levels. So many levels...
That's just the way I remembered it. Could be we learned slight variations of the acronym. On a related note, I never learned that song that goes through the US states alphabetically. My cousin learned that in school and showed it off to me one Thanksgiving. Boy, was I ever jealous!
I figured I might learn it the next year in school. Never did. (And apparently, I'm still a little bitter about it.

I hope you have a great holiday!