OK fine-- Lips wawa is a nemonic device to remember the 'simple machines' -- Lever, Inclined Plane, Screw, Wheel and Axle, Wedge, and an extra 'a' to make it work. There. Boring name to you, awesome to me! I learned it in 5th grade and it's STILL in my brain. So I am creeping around here on SG again. I had a miserable time with some bitches last time I was on here and so this time I'm being all low pro and shit to avoid the drama. I am an archived SG and am trying to decide if I want to do another shoot or not. Knowing you all, you'll think I'm some crazy person, which is great because maybe I am... Maybe I AM. I Iike anonymity. And I like cruising the boards and groups witnessing it from the POV of the regular johns. It's ---- strange. Intriguing in a way. I doubt many will even read this profile to tell you the truth. All the site's big wigs are still going strong, minus a few zots and that's comforting. Fridgey, 'brosa, Ringer, Toothpick, Cash, Mamet, PB, Panda, etc. It's nice to see you're all still hilarious and brilliant!