It's been snowing like crazy here. If it didn't make the roads so awful, I would say it's gorgeous. I guess it kinda is.
I had my first day at Damon's today. Ugh, I'm gonna start looking for another job already. I really am not looking forward to being a hostess...again. At least it's money I guess.
So, I never did tell what kind of car I got. She's a red, '86 Jetta and her name is Agnes. You can call her Aggie if you want.

you know you're from michigan if:
-- you define summer as three months of bad sledding.
-- you can identify an ohio accent.
-- you know how to play [and pronounce] euchre.
-- the big mac is something that you drive across.
-- you believe that "down south" means toledo.
-- you bake with soda and drink pop.
-- you drive 75 on the highway and you pass on the right.
-- your little league baseball game was snowed out.
-- you know how to pronounce "mackinac".
-- the word "thumb" has a geographical rather than an anatomical significance.
-- you know that kalamazoo not only exists, but that it isn't far from hell.
-- you know what a millage is.
-- traveling coast to coast means driving from port huron to muskegon.
-- half the change in your pocket is canadian, eh.
-- you show people where you grew up by pointing to a spot on your left hand.
-- you know what a "yooper" is.
-- your car rusts out before you need the brakes done
-- half the people you know say they are from detroit... yet you don't personally know anyone who actually lives in detroit.
-- you know what a pastie is.
-- octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball.
-- you know more about chill factors and lake effect than you'd EVER like to know.
-- shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
-- when giving directions, you refer to "a michigan left."
-- the snowmen you make in your front yard actually freeze. solid.
-- the snow freezes so hard that you can actually walk across it and not break it or leave any marks.
-- all your shoes are called "tennis shoes", even though no one here plays tennis anyway.
-- half your friends have a perfect sledding hill right in their own backyard.
i don't know... Bracket sent them to me from israel! they're british.
yea they are gorgeous! see: