I need HELP!!!!
I just moved to great house
more space
sooo much nicer
cheaper rent
no pets, so my kitties now have to live outside
the problem is racoons
they come and eat the cat food
and they scare me
and they are costing me a fortune in cat food
so I obviously have to continue to feed my cats
but how do i get rid of the racoons?
the Boy's suggestion all include harm to the racoons
they are scary, but i don't want to hurt them
does anybody have a nice nonviolent solution that will leave all the furry animals alive and happy????????
I just moved to great house
more space
sooo much nicer
cheaper rent
no pets, so my kitties now have to live outside
the problem is racoons
they come and eat the cat food
and they scare me
and they are costing me a fortune in cat food
so I obviously have to continue to feed my cats
but how do i get rid of the racoons?
the Boy's suggestion all include harm to the racoons
they are scary, but i don't want to hurt them
does anybody have a nice nonviolent solution that will leave all the furry animals alive and happy????????
But guess what - he said "John" last night when we were having our daily Beatles lesson!!! Hooray!
Oh, and socks up to the knees also keeps a raccoon from chewing a geek's face off. Yep.