Ohhh my, i think @rambo and @missy picked this blog topic at the most purrrfect time.
I must say I watch a lot of cinema, and by a lot I mean 6-9 a week, seriously. I've always been interested in directors, cinematography, movies with feeling and those hidden metaphors you don't always catch the first time. Recently I seem to be on a roll as far as mind-blowing films:
-Kill your Darlings
-Charlie Countryman
-Grand Budapest Hotel
-Blue is the Warmest Color
-Under the Skin
and my absolute most recent favourite, defiantly fighting for a spot in my all time favourites: Nymp()maniac pt I and II directed by Lars Van Trier
Holy. Shit.
I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason or things/people/whatever coming into your life at the time they needed to be. These movies were like that for me. Watching the first(part I) I was glued. Completely feeling every emotion I know in relation to my current self. I've always loved Charlotte Gainsburg as an actress (one of the few whom i would love to have coffee with) and she fucking stole my heart. Now I won't give away any details but the comparison of her story-seemingly so complex, to that of things in his apartment-which are so incredibly simple that the two together create this magic in the relationship of two strangers. And the directors choice in music was outstanding. Part one had me floating the next day, dreaming of it's secrets and hidden meanings.
The next night I watched part two. EVERY SINGLE scene mattered, and I haven't felt that way about a movie-ever. I feel as if todays idea around marriage and relationships only cover the surface of what we, as humans are capable of. Diving deeper, giving into your desires, wanting more, exploring oneself are things people might not ever do. In part two, the unthinkable happens with an ending that left my jaw dropped for a good solid minute into the credits.
As with anything people will watch these movies with an intention already set and finish with a loved it or hate it verdict.
I watched these movies without any idea as to what i was getting myself into and felt so connected with the story, it brought up things in myself I've never even discovered on my own- and that, my beautiful friends is the reason we watch movies...to FEEL something. And I sure as fuck did.